Mike Stanlaw here!
I’ve lived in Bayonne my whole life, and I’ve been into health and fitness since I was 15 years old. The weights were something my Dad showed me as a kid, and I instantly became hooked. I saw instant changes in my physique, and alongside that came more confidence, discipline, hard work, and focus that carried into all other aspects of my life.
After years of working out, I began competing in bodybuilding competitions. This took all of this hard work and discipline to a whole new level. I was amazed by the power we all possess to change not only our physiques, but just about anything in our lives that we want to.
While completing my Master’s Degree in Social Work, I was working part time as a Certified Personal Trainer at Bally Total Fitness on Staten Island. I knew I wanted to be involved in health and fitness, but I didn’t know that I would enjoy my part-time job more than what I was going to school for. After Graduate School, I found myself not wanting to leave the field of Personal Training, and it became full-time and then some for me.
I would never say my Bachelor’s Degree (Psychology) and my Master’s Degree (Social Work) were a waste of time, because I believe I’m able to use them to relate to and motivate others with Personal Training and Group Exercise.
In 2014, while working at New York Sports clubs here in Bayonne, I made the decision to fully pursue opening my own Personal Training and Group Exercise Studio. What motivated me was that I always had a pretty large following at the gyms that I worked in, but always felt as if people were simply treated as numbers instead of, well, people! Yes business is about knowing your numbers, however it’s more about people. It’s true that nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care. I wanted to have a studio that had a family-type feel, where people of all ages, shapes, and sizes were welcome, and where I knew everyone on a first-name basis.
After about a year of intense planning, with the support of my family, friends, and Clients, Stanlaw Fitness opened its doors on July 13, 2015. It was a dream come true surrounded by the people that meant the most to me. It was a day I’ll never forget.
While Stanlaw Fitness started as a one man show with 50 Members, it has evolved 5 years later into 17 Team Members and over 200 Members. Our Team and our Members have truly become the driving force behind this studio, as they are not only family here, but raving fans who “bleed Stanlaw blue” as we say.
While our primary focus is strength training with 1:1 Personal Training and Group Exercise, we have expanded our services to cardio workouts, kettlebell training, kickboxing, boot camps, Zumba, and Senior Fitness.
I am so proud of what we have accomplished, but of course there is always more to do and I want our studio to continue to grow to help more people. Our mission is to help as many people as possible improve their physical and mental health by “getting their 30” every day!
Keep training hard!